Beacon UMC 47th Anniversary
On Sunday, September 27th, I had the wonderful honor of singing a duet with my good friend George Moua for the 47th Anniversary of Beacon United Methodsit Church. Beacon UMC has been a hallmark in the South Seattle community for many decades and I'm glad to see the church thriving 47 years later. During the worship service, there was a slideshow that showcased the history of the church, beginning with a merger of two churches, with the Sunday services itself not meeting in the Beacon Hill neighborhood (surprisingly). Eventually, the church moved to its current location with the social hall being the original sanctuary.
The expansion of the new sanctuary was done in the 1980s and there are still remnants of the old church, from the original pews (which are still used today), to Pastor Stan's pulpit and office table, which also served as the communion table on Sunday mornings. It was awesome to see the church packed and I know that the congregation will continue to thrive and flourish for many more years as the members continue to preach the Gospel as well as serve our fellow neighbors in the community.
Congratulations, Beacon United Methodist Church, for 47 years of being a light of hope in South Seattle!